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How To Rollback Mi A1 From Android Pie To Oreo
Hey, there today I have come with the guide on How To Downgrade Mi A1 Android Pie To Oreo, Now if you are facing some problem with the Android Pie Update and now you want to Downgrade Mi A1 Android Pie To Oreo then follow this guide till the end. I have shown you the step by step on How To Rollback Mi A1 From Android Pie To Oreo.
The main reason to Rollback Mi A1 From Android Pie To Oreo is the performance issue many users are complaining about bugs and problems on their Xiaomi Mi A1 Device. Also, many users are not happy with this update because they feel that Android Oreo is better than Android Pie as there are no major changes that we see.
I have noticed that on Android Oreo the battery backup was quite better but after the update, the battery is draining fastly. So, now the users want to move from Android Pie To Android Oreo now to do that simply follow the steps shown below to Downgrade Mi A1 Android Pie To Oreo.
Pre-Requirements Before You Rollback Mi A1 From Android Pie To Oreo
- You Need To Unlock Bootloader On Xiaomi Mi A1
- TWRP Recovery Must Be Installed On Your Phone (Follow This Guide: Install TWRP Recovery On Mi A1 Android Pie)
- Your Phone Mst Have 75% Battery Available
- Make Sure To Take Complete Backup Of Your Phone
NOTE: After You Downgrade Mi A1 Android Pie To Oreo TWRP Recovery Will Be Deleted From Your Phone That Means Your Phone Will Be As It Was Previously. Your Phone Warranty Will Be There
We just have to use TWRP Recovery for a few minutes and once the Oreo ROM is flashed TWRP Recovery will automatically get deleted from your phone. And your phone will look as it was previously.
Steps To Downgrade Mi A1 Android Pie To Oreo
Step-1: First Make Sure That You Have Completed All The Things Given In The Pre-Requirements Section
Step-2: Enable USB Debugging On Your Phone
- Go To Settings >> System >> About Phone >> Tap On Build Number 6-7 Times
- Now Go Back >> Advanced Settings >> Developer Options >> Enable “USB Debugging”
Step-3: Now Boot Your Phone Into TWRP Recovery
- Power Off Your Phone
- Press & Hold Volume Up + Power Button From 5-6 Seconds
- Once Your Phone Vibrate Release The Buttons
Step-4: Once You Are In TWRP Recovery Mode, Now Connect Your Phone To PC And Follow The Steps
Download These Files On Your PC
- Mi A1 TWRP Restore Files
- Mi A1 Fastboot OREO Files
- Download Mi Flash Tool
Step-5: Now Once You Downloaded The Above Files, Now You Have To Setup ADB And Fastboot On Windows PC This Is Very Important Step. Now Follow These Steps
- Now Unzip TWRP Folder & Tissot Files That You Have Just Downloaded
- Open TWRP Folder >> And Copy This Folder As Show In The Below Image
- Now Let The Phone Connected & Head Over To Your Mi A1 Internal Storage
- Now You Will See TWRP Folder >> Open It >> And Paste The Folder That You Just Copied
- Once Done Come To Your Phone >> On TWRP Go To “Restore” >> Select The Folder
- And Swipe To Restore
- After That Come To Home >> Reboot >> Now Tap On Bootloader >> After That Your Phone Will Be In Fastboot Mode
Step-6: Now Come To PC >> “C “Drive >> Open “Xiaomi Folder” >> Next Open “Xiaomi Flash” >> Now Double Click On XiaomiFlash.exe File
- Now You Will See This Type Of Window >> Tap On Refresh
- Next Select “Clean All”
- Open Tissot Folder >> Copy Adress Bar
- And Paste It On Mi Flash Tool Adress Bar And Click On “Flash”
- After That Flashing Process Will Start. It Will Take Some Time So, Be Patient
Step-7: Now Once The Flashing Process Completed >> Your Phone Will Reboot
Step-8: Once Your Phone Reboot >> Disconnect Your Phone
Step-9: That’s It 🙂 You Have Successfully Downgrade Mi A1 Android Pie To Oreo
So, this is it on How To Downgrade Mi A1 Android Pie To Oreo with easy steps. Now you can Enjoy using Android Oreo on your Xiaomi Mi A1.
Read More:
Final Words: I have shown you the easiest and 100% working method to Downgrade Mi A1 Android Pie To Oreo. I hope this method worked for you. And if you want to ask any questions related to this guide then make sure to comment down below. We would love to hear from you.
Are you sure that this method is 100% working ? Because users on XDA are complaining about IMEI 0 /no network/MAC/ volte etc. issues after downgrading using this method.
I am 100% sure that this method is working!
Won’t the IMEI/MAC be affected by restoring someone else EFS ?
Can you provide a link to any video tutorial of this process, in which the IMEI, MAC, and signal status is shown in the end along with the process
IMEI stay intact on mine. Signal too.. 🙂
Thank you Milind Sahu. I can confirm that this method works 100%. I just downgrade my Mi A1 Pie to Oreo successfully without issue. I’m grateful that I found your blog. Million thanks!
Thanks, Azizul For Your Positive Comment!
Yes your imei will be lost. This method is right
No IMEI after the process and i didn’t make a backup of it and i don’t have the phone box to copy the original imei
So Nice Post Dear. Good Job
Thanks, Bro!
how to install custom rom on mi a1 after pie?
I will publish a post dedicated to how to install custom rom on mi a1 after pie? you will get the link here itself.
After following these steps … I have successfully downgrade from pie to Oreo
Thanks For Sharing Your Valuable Feedback!
My friend, you saved my phone! Thanks a lot for taking the time to compile this tutorial! I hated Android Pie, I had cellular signal issues immediately after the update.
The only exception is that I did not restore the ROM that you mentioned, but the latest Mi A1 Oreo ROM from the official Xiaomi site (this one : And it worked just fine. It is basically the latest Android 8.1 for Mi A1, with the November 2018 security updates.
Greetings from Romania!
Thanks George For Your Valuable Feedback!
One question, though. Is it possible to lock again the bootloader? Or will the phone not start anymore, if I lock it? It does not bother me too much if it stays unlocked, but I’d like to have it “clean”, like just out of the factory:) Thanks
Hi again, Milind. I took the risk and locked the bootloader – no issues afterwards, except for resetting the phone to factory settings.
One more thing I’d like to add for the skeptical : no IMEI issues after all the process.
Thanks again!
Your Most Welcome George!
Hi George – Can you please check if your IMEI does not change?
George, how did you lock the bootloader ?
Hey, Johnny Here Is the complete guide I have already written on my blog. Click Here –> How To Lock BootLoader On Mi A1
Hi Milind Sahu, why i can’t find the extract files of tissot? It’s just extract 1 file with size 3.2 gb and dont know what type file is that
pls help, sory for my english!
Hey Milind Sahu.. when i am trying to restore, i am only seeing two options. EFS and Boot. There is no Modem. What to do >??
Same situation for me, worked anyway without modem
No need modem
Worked, but I’m now unable to root my phone. Will successfully boot into TWRP using fastboot, I can install TWRP as well, but if I flash Magisk, the app does not show up in the app drawer at all.
I tried wiping with TWRP, flash_all.bat with 8.1 Oreo October image first, but no success.
Any suggestions?
Thank you
Hello friend, I did the whole process carefully, but I do not succeed. I noticed that at the time of restoring the backup, only the “Boot” and “EFS” options appear. The “Modem” option does not appear.
Thanks you works perfect for me
no imei issue
Your Welcome!
I am facing problem with my MIA1, my phones incoming call voice volume become extremely low but sounds like ringtones, notification sounds, audio/video sounds are perform perfectly. What should I do? my phones android version is 9, last updated info. security patch level: Nov 1, 2019.
Please help me……
I will surely help you out. Even iam facing the same issue. Once I get the solution then I will let you know.
Hey, can I use this method to downgrade from Android Pie (Dec 2019 Patch) to Android Oreo and use my EFS instead of yours?
Also, can I use “clean all and lock” instead of “clean all” in the step, next to restoring Backup from TWRP?
Waiting for your reply 🙂
You can do it. But I will not suggest you do that.
And what if I first flash stock rom with “clean all” and after booting it and then when I reach home screen. Then, again power off and go to fastboot and flash stock rom again with “clean all and lock”? It will be fine?
And what if I first flash stock rom with “clean all” and after booting it and then when I reach home screen. Then, again power off and go to fastboot and flash stock rom again with “clean all and lock”? It will be fine?